Semarang, Indonesia
UNDIP Pharmacy Study Program

Pharmacy Study Program News

Pharmaceutical Information: Ramadan and Diabetes Mellitus

Pharmaceutical Information: Ramadan and Diabetes Mellitus

Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam for Muslims and is mandatory for healthy individuals. Then what about individuals with diabetes mellitus? Can fasting affect his overall health condition? What are the things that need attention. Therefore, let's read the...


Research & Dedication

Community Service Report: Assistance with Processed Chili Products (Chili Oil) in Pandean Village, Ngablak, Magelang

Pandean Village is one of the villages at the foot of Mount Telomoyo and serves as a center for vegetable production, particularly chili. The chili production in this village is known to be around...

Germasceting – Undip Pharmacy Helps Prevent Stunting Program Success

Stunting is one thing that has received special attention in the world of health. The impact caused by stunting is not only short-term, namely short posture, motor development, and impaired physical...



Undip Pharmacy Students Participate in MBKM Certified Internship Program

The Independent Learning Program – Merdeka Campus (MBKM) is a program launched by the Minister of Education and Culture in order to prepare graduates of higher education who are tough in facing...

Pharmacy Students of the Faculty of Medicine UNDIP Successfully Defended the Top 3 Winners in the Online Science Project Competition

Semarang – Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that is very common in Indonesia. One of the causes of this disease is the failure of the pancreas to produce adequate amounts of insulin,...

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Sustainable Development Goals Undip

“Universitas Diponegoro sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia berkomitmen dalam melaksanakan berbagai program terkait SDGs. Seluruh fakultas, sekolah dan unit lain di Undip telah menyusun program dan kegiatan untuk mencapai 17 tujuan dalam SDGs. Hal ini dalam rangka mendukung komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mencapai target nasional SDGs.”


Jl. Prof. Mr. Sunario, Kampus Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang 50275
Telp : 024 – 76928010 / 024 – 76928011
Email : pskedokteran[at]