Vision & Mission


In 2024 to Become a Leading Pharmaceutical Education Institution, Based on Research Towards Science and Technology Independence for the Development of Local Potential


  1. Organizing higher education at the undergraduate level of pharmacy, which produces graduates who are qualified, competent, moral and ethical, as well as high national insight.
  2. Carrying out quality research to support the advancement of science and technology in the pharmaceutical field and become a reference center for the development of natural medicines.
  3. Organizing community service based on the results of education and research to advance community welfare.
  4. Organizing credible, transparent, accountable and equitable governance of pharmacy education


  1. Producing graduates who have a high academic culture, master science and technology, quality control and pharmaceutical services.
  2. Producing innovative research that is able to develop local potential in the pharmaceutical field and can solve problems faced by the community.
  3. The establishment of a center of excellence research in the field of natural medicine.
  4. Implementing science and technology as well as the results of pharmaceutical research to improve people’s living standards and the progress of the nation
  5. Develop professionalism, capability, and accountability in study program governance


  1. Achieving the output of graduates with high knowledge and skills and having a “COMPLETE” profile supported by a curriculum that is responsive to market needs (related to goal 1).
  2. The implementation of an organized learning process supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure (related to goal 1).
  3. Establishing cooperation with the user community and industry parties and other institutions in the national and international scope (related to goals 2, 3 and 4).
  4. Achieving improvement in the quality and quantity of research, national and international publications (related to goal 3).
  5. Implementation of effective, efficient and transparent, well-documented and accountable academic services (related to goal 5)
  6. The availability of superior quality human resources is evidenced by training, further education and certification (related to goal 5).