Semarang – Starting from a curiosity to participate in the competition and want to give the best contribution in each race, one of the three Pharmacy Student teams, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University succeeded in winning third place in the 2019 Pharmadays event (09/14/2019).

Pharmadays is a series of events organized by the drug information center of Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University called PIOGAMA (Pusat Informasi Obat Gadjah Mada). Pharmadays of 2019 consists of three events including poster competition, pharmacy competition, and national seminar with the theme Mental Health Management in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. Pharmacy competition is carried out with a gradual elimination mechanism consisting of the preliminary, semifinal, and final rounds. In this event, the Pharmacy Program, Faculty of Medicine UNDIP, sent three teams headed by Mesias Unggul Karismanda (Pharmacy Student of 2016), Gita Pelangi Putri (Pharmacy student of 2016), and Muhammad Bagas Prayoga (Pharmacy Student of 2017).

The entire Pharmacy teams have given their best contribution. The team headed by Gita Pelangi Putri (Pharmacy student of 2016) consisting of Fahmi (Pharmacy student of 2017) and Syauki Isyka Purnama (Pharmacy student of 2018) as team members, made it into the final stage and won third place. While other Undip Pharmacy teams have passed the quarter-final stage and almost entered the top 10 champions.

Lots of valuable experience gained by all UNDIP Pharmacy delegates. Syauki, this 4th semester student, shared a tense experience when entering the final stage, “At that time, there was a part of the competition that required participants to do counseling with patients while I had not yet received learning about counseling. Only with courage and self-confidence, I tried to do my best, although there was a little sense of inferiority because most of the participants from the opposing team had already been in the upper semester who certainly had learned about counseling.”

Syauki’s message to all UNDIP Pharmacy Students that do not be afraid to try new things that are not contained in the lecture process, such as the experience of participating in the competition. By joining the competition, students can measure their abilities, build relationships with other students, and gain new experiences. “If you can’t win the championship yet, don’t despair, continue to explore your abilities,” Sauki said.

Written by: Muchammad Faris/Fitri Wulandari