Stunting is one thing that has received special attention in the world of health. The impact caused by stunting is not only short-term, namely short posture, motor development, and impaired physical growth in infants but also long-term, namely low productivity and the emergence of various kinds of degenerative diseases. Preventing stunting is not only when the baby is born into the world but starts from the baby being in the mother’s womb. Pregnant women and also those who accompany must have sufficient knowledge about stunting.

Responding to this, a team of lecturers from the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Undip held a community service activity entitled “Germasceting (Community Movement to Prevent Stunting) as an effort to prevent stunting in Pandean Village, Ngablak District, Magelang Regency”. The community service activity aims to screen for knowledge as well as adherence to taking drugs and provide education as an effort to increase knowledge about stunting, both pregnant and accompanying women.

The targeted communities are pregnant women in the early and middle trimesters and PKK cadres in Pandean village, Ngablak district, Magelang Regency. The activity was carried out on Thursday (4/8/2022). It is located in the village hall of pandean village. Attended by around 20 participants of pregnant women and cadres, pregnant women were screened for knowledge using questionnaires and compliance using the pillcount method, then closed with the provision of material and discussion.

Community Service Team consisting of Intan Rahmania Eka Dini. M. Sc., Apt, Dr. Dra Endang Sri Sunarsih, M. Kes., Apt, Eva Annisaa, M. Sc., Apt., Widyandani Sasikirana, M. Biotech., Apt, Ragil Setiadianingati, M. Sc., Apt and Widyaningrum Utami, M. Sc., Apt assisted by students conducted screening and delivered material on stunting, causal factors, and strategies to increase adherence to micronutrient supplement consumption. The response of the community in Pandean village was quite enthusiastic, as shown by the interactive discussion between the team and the community. The community and village officials appreciate this service activity because it can increase their knowledge about how to prevent stunting and take medicine properly so as to motivate them to obediently take drugs to prevent stunting.