Based on the vision and mission of the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Undip, it is hoped that the graduates of the Pharmacy Study Program can become a Pharmacy graduate who believes and is devoted to God Almighty, has an Indonesian personality and insight. Graduates of the Undip Pharmacy Study Program are expected to be able to continue their education to the level of the pharmacist profession and contribute to health development as pharmacists who carry out pharmaceutical work. To produce quality pharmacists, an educational process that meets the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Standards (SKAI) is needed to ensure the quality of graduates who can meet service neey in Indonesia.

In order to follow up the plan to open the Pharmacist Professional Study Program (PSPA) at the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, one of the activities proposed to support the plan is a comparative study to several universities that already have PSPA which are considered good. This aims to be able to prepare for the establishment of PSPA more mature from various aspects and in accordance with the criteria requested by LamPT-Kes, APTFI, as well as professional organizations, namely IAI (Indonesian Pharmacists Association).

The comparative study was conducted with the aim of finding out several crucial things in the development of the Pharmacist Profession Study Program, including the minimum requirements that must be met, human resources and management, curriculum design, educational pharmacies, Pharmacist Professional Work Practice (PKPA) land and other matters related to must be considered in the process of establishing PSPA. The visit was carried out at PSPA School of Pharmacy ITB and PSPA Faculty of Pharmacy UNPAD.

The visit to ITB was carried out on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 morning and was received by the Head of the Pharmacist Profession Study Program, Dr. apt. Elin Julianti, M.Sc., coordinator of PKPAUKAI-OSCE-CBT Dr. apt. Satriadi, M.Sc., and the coordinator of the Logistics- and Finance Lectures, Dr. apt. Rika Hartati, M.Sc., while the visit to UNPAD was carried out on July 20, 2022 in the morning and was welcomed by the Dean of Pharmacy UNPAD, Prof. Dr. Ajeng Diantini, M.Sc., Apt and the Head of the PSPA UNPAD Study Program, namely Dr. apt. Ida Musfiroh, M.Sc. in the dean building of the Faculty of Pharmacy, UNPAD.

A visit was also made to PT. Biofarma Persero Bandung, in order to develop a workplan for Pharmacy Study and Research Cooperation. The visit was made on Tuesday, 19 July 2022, and was received by the Director of Operations of BioFarma, Mr. M. Rahman Roestam, Director of Research and Development, Mr. Adriansjah Azhari, the HRD team represented by Mr. Attar and Mrs. Ika, the RnD team, and also the R&D team in the meeting room of the Biofarma Pasteur Building. The visit to Biofarma discussed cooperation in the field of education, related to several student internship programs and special research for lecturers, as well as cooperation in the field of research related to the downstreaming of research products from institutions, product quality assurance processes, and other research collaborations in the field of biological products.

Comparative study activities, especially for the establishment of PSPA at the Faculty of Medicine, and direct visits to the government agency PT. Biofarma Persero, very useful for the development of the Undip Medical Faculty Pharmacy Study Program. Various information, inputs, and suggestions obtained in this activity can assist in the preparation of a development plan Undip Medical Faculty Pharmacy Study Program, especially for the opening of the FK Pharmacist Profession Study Program Undip