The Pharmacy Study Program of Faculty of Medicine Undip has carried out Curriculum Workshop activities on Thursday and Friday, September 29-30th, 2022 in a hybrid manner. This activity was attended by all lecturers of the pharmacy study program, carried out with the aim of evaluating and developing the pharmacy s1 education curriculum and preparing the curriculum design of the pharmacist education study program.

As the first speaker in this activity was the Deputy Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Faculty of Medicine Undip, Dr. dr. Hermina sukmaningtyas, Sp. Rad (K) with material on the implementation of the independent learning curriculum at Undip Faculty of Medicine. According to Dr. Hermina, the independent campus policy aims to prepare students to become strong graduates, relevant to the needs of the times. The Faculty of Medicine strongly supports the implementation of the independent curriculum, there are 3 programs out of 8 independent campus programs that have been implemented and attended by medical faculty students.

The next speaker was Prof. Dr. Umi Athiyah, MS., Apt, who is the vice chairman of the education sector of the Pharmacy Higher Education Association Prof. Umi delivered material on independent learning in pharmacy education. According to prof. umi, although it is not an obligation to participate in independent learning activities in the health sciences family, participating in the independent learning program is one of the tools for students to develop interests and talents and create a good relationship between the world of education and industry. In pharmacy education, independent learning can be followed by still prioritizing the achievement of learning achievements of graduates of a pharmacy graduate and pharmacist. In the APTFI academic manuscript in 2013, there are 9 graduate profiles that are the outcome of pharmacy education.

The 3rd to 5th material was given by Prof. Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari S.Si., M.Si., Apt, the material presented was the basic framework and structure of the curriculum as well as the steps for curriculum preparation consisting of profiles, abilities and CPL, curriculum design stages: formation of courses, formulation of CPMK, making semester learning plans and problem based learning. Through this workshop, the pharmacy study program can take many benefits, especially in the improvement and preparation of the curriculum of the pharmacist profession study program.