Semarang – Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (Undip), achieve B accreditation by the Independent Accreditation Institution for Higher Education Health/ Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAMPT-Kes) after going through the assessment process stage.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the visitation by a team of assessors for field assessments was carried out through an online method. However, the implementation of the online field assessment/ Asesmen Lapangan Daring (ALD) still refers to the instrument set by LAMPT-Kes. The interview process, data confirmation and information were carried out through video and audio conferencing. For the health study program, field assessment consists of two approaches, which conducted in Hybrid method (a combination of online and face-to-face visitation) or online method only. Pharmacy Study Program used the Hybrid method approach, where the assessment would be given comprehensively and thoroughly to the evidences presented in virtual form, which would then be proven during field visitations. Each field assessment process, both ALD and face-to-face field visitation activities, was carried out for 2 days.

Online Field Assessment/ Asesmen Lapangan Daring (ALD)

Since long before the implementation of ALD, Pharmacy Study Program has prepared all the necessities needed for this accreditation process. Starting from the formation of an accreditation team, compiling accreditation documents with 7 standards, and preparing attached evidence according to the required list. After the process of compiling and sending accreditation documents with 7 standards, LAMPT-Kes assigned a team of assessors consisting of 2 people, Dr. Diky Mudhakir, S.Si., M.Si. and Dr. Dian Ratih Laksmitawati, M.Biomed., Apt to conduct a field assessment with a Letter of Assignment No: 2302 / ST.A / DA / 10.2020. The accreditation process was carried out on December 1 – 2, 2020 at the Senate Meeting Room 1 and 2, Building A, Faculty of Medicine, Undip.

Many things were conveyed by the assessors during the assessment process which became input for the improvement of the Pharmacy Study Program in the future. However, overall, due to the optimism of the entire Pharmacy Study Program accreditation team and the support from the Faculty of Medicine team, the online field assessment process can run smoothly. On December 21, 2020 LAMPT-Kes announced that with SK Number 0597 / LAMPT-Kes / Akr / Sar / XII // 2020, Pharmacy Study Program achieves B Accreditation predicate. The results of this accreditation are a long wait for the entire academic community of the Faculty of Medicine, especially Pharmacy Study Program itself. Even though it is relatively young at the age of 4 years, the Undip Pharmacy Study Program continues to strive to provide the best and prioritize facilities, services and knowledge for students. The achievement of the B Accreditation predicate is certainly an encouragement for the Undip Pharmacy Study Program to continue to improve quality, in terms of education, research, community service, self-development and organizational governance.

Pharmacy Study Program Accreditation Team