Hypertension is one of the chronic diseases with drug therapy that must be taken regularly and continuously. How to use the medicine must also be considered properly to obtain an optimal therapeutic effect. Is it true that any of the antihypertensive drugs Captopril can interact with food? Check out the explanation from the question-and-answer session from Mrs. Intan Rahmania Eka Dini, M.Sc., Apt below.

Q: What is the Captopril function?
A: Captopril is one of the drugs in the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) group which is used as hypertension therapy

Q: What are the rules for using captopril for an adult?
A: The dose for hypertension therapy in adult patients is 12.5 to 25 mg administered 2-3 times a day, with the first time use based on the recommendation of a doctor

Q: Is it true that captopril should be consumed 1 hour before meals and 2 hours after meals? True. Why is that?
A: Captopril absorption is reduced in the presence of food by 25-40%, so to maintain its bioavaibility captopril should be taken not together with food or on an empty stomach (1 hour before meals and 2 hours after meals)

Q: Are ramipril and lisinopril also taken on an empty stomach?
A: Lisinopril and ramipril are also ACEI class drugs, but lisinopril and ramipril can be consumed together with food because the absorption of these drugs is not affected by the presence of food. Consumption of ramipril in conjunction with food only affects the speed of drug absorption, but the amount and bioavaibility are not significantly affected

Q: Tips for taking the drug with captopril regularly?
A: Patient compliance is influenced by 2 factors, namely skill and trust, tips for taking drugs regularly are 1. Believe that the drug provides benefits and is good for the body, 2. To help take medicine regularly, you can use a reminder on your phone, pillbox, recording, etc.

Pharmacy Study Program | Faculty of Medicine | Diponegoro University | 2023 | Ig: farmasiundip