
Students of the Pharmacy Study Program come from all regions of Indonesia spread across 33 provinces. The quality of a prospective student in supporting the Teaching and Learning Process is determined by the origin of high school, supported by academic ability and the results of college entrance selection. Currently, several scholarships have been accessible, both from within UNDIP and from outside UNDIP. The following is a list of types of scholarships that can be followed by prospective UNDIP students, especially in the Pharmacy Study Program:

1. Beasiswa Unggulan is an Indonesian government scholarship program in the form of providing tuition fees to the best children of the Indonesian nation for study at universities. Beasiswa Unggulan Scholarship Program prioritizes domestic learning programs or domestic campuses. This scholarship can be followed by prospective students or students on going at a maximum of semester 3. More info can be accessed at the following link:

2. KIP Kuliah (formerly Bidikmisi) is an educational fee assistance for prospective students who are economically incapable and have good academic potential to study in universities in superior study programs until they graduate on time. More info can be accessed at the following link: Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (

3. Djarum Foundation plays an active role in advancing education in Indonesia through a merit-based scholarship program known as Djarum Beasiswa Plus for high-achieving students in Indonesia. More information can be accessed at the following link: Djarum Beasiswa Plus

4. Tanoto Foundation opens scholarship opportunities through the Exemplary Leadership Scholarship Program to students at partner universities. UNDIP has become a partner of Tanoto Foundation and provides full scholarships, covering full tuition fees since the agreement was signed until semester VIII (eight). In addition, a monthly living allowance is provided which is paid directly to the scholarship recipient’s account. More info can be accessed at the following link: Tanoto Foundation | Founded in 1981 by Sukanto Tanoto and Family

5. Undip Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA). Requirements can be accessed at the following link: Beasiswa PPA

6. Scholarships within UNDIP or outside UNDIP can be accessed at the following link: JENIS BEASISWA – Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (