
History of Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine of UNDIP

The S1 Pharmacy Study Program is one of the study programs under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University. This study program began accepting students since 2016 whose operations were based on the Decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University as a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) which has the authority to open and close study programs. Rector’s Decree Number: 500/UN7. P / HK / 2016 dated May 16, 2016 concerning the Opening of the Undergraduate Program (S1) Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University based on the approval of the Academic Senate of Diponegoro University as stated in the Minutes of the Diponegoro University Academic Senak Meeting Number: 67 / UN7.2 / BA / 2016 dated May 12, 2016 concerning the Opening of the Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.

The proposed document for the establishment of the Pharmacy Study Program was signed by Prof. Dr. dr. Tri Nur Kristina, DMM, M.Kes, dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Si, Med, Sp.And, Ph.D., Dr. Dra. Endang Sri Sunarsih, M.Kes, Apt and Dr. Dra. Henna Rya Sunoko, MES, Apt. The pioneers of pharmacy study program operations are Dr. Dr. Hardian (Head of Study Program), Dr. Khairul Anam (Secretary of Study Program), Dra. Henna Rya Sunoko, MES, Apt., Dra. MG. Isworo Rukmi, M.Kes., Eva Annisaa’ M.Sc, Apt., Indah Saraswati, S.Si, M.Sc and Intan Rahmania Eka Dini, M.Sc, Apt.

In 2019, the Pharmacy Study Program of Faculty of Medicine Undip obtained minimum accreditation from LAM-PTKeS based on Decree Number 008/LAM-PTKes/AKrPSB.PTN-BH/Sar/IX/2019 dated September 29, 2019. Furthermore, in 2020 it obtained the first accreditation with a B rating based on the LAM-PTKes Decree number 0597 / LAM-PTKkes / Akr / Sar / XII / 2020 dated December 11, 2020 which was assessed online. The status of accreditation B is strengthened by offline assessment and the results are stated in the Decree of the Management of the Lam-PTKes Association number 0670 / LAM-PTKkes / AKr / Sar / XII / 2021 dated December 24, 2021. This accreditation status is valid until December 10, 2025.