Semarang – The corona virus or SARS-Cov-2 with the name COVID-19 continues to increase and spread to a number of regions in Indonesia. Corona virus transmission is known through droplets from the mouth or nose of an infected person. Droplets that contain the virus can also fall on objects or on the surfaces, then enter the body through hands touching the nose, mouth or eyes.

Based on research published by The Journal of Hospital Infection which analyzed 22 studies of the corona virus beforehand, stated that the virus can survive on the surface of objects such as glass, metal, plastic for a maximum of 9 days. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of hands, self and the environment is an important thing to do.

Pharmacy Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University made a strategic effort to help minimize the spread of the corona virus by making a hand sanitizer based on a formula recommended by WHO in early March. The production of the hand sanitizer is loaded in a pocket-size (30 ml) bottle for ease of use and are made of 1000 bottles which are distributed free of charge to Undip internally, including teaching staff as well as students and also the community outside UNDIP. On 18/03/2020 hand sanitizers were distributed along with the 7 steps of hand washing to Karanggeneng villagers.

According to Dr. Khairul Anam., M.Sc., as Secretary of the Pharmacy Program at the Faculty of Medicine, UNDIP, it is intended as one of the contributions of the Pharmacy Program in efforts to prevent the spread of the corona virus, especially in the academic environment. He also emphasized that the hand sanitizer produced by the Pharmacy Study Program was not traded.

Responding to this, the Head of the Department of Medicine, Dr. dr. Trilaksana Nugroho, M. Kes., Sp.M. (K), FICSM., Gave support and positive response to the efforts of making hand sanitizers by the Pharmacy Program. Not only using hand sanitizer, all academic community and Medical Faculty students are also encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap using the 7 steps of washing hands properly from WHO, not touching the face area (eyes, count and mouth), closing mouth and nose using a tissue when sneezing or cough, increase the intake of nutrients and vitamins, and urge to immediately consult a doctor when experiencing symptoms of fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. To maximize efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection in the Undip Environment, based on the appeal of the Rector of Diponegoro University, starting from 23/03/2020 all Teaching and Learning Activities at the Faculty of Medicine Undip become online learning by utilizing the most possible technology according to university regulations.According to Dr. Khairul Anam., M.Sc., as Secretary of the Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Undip, it is intended as one of the contributions of the Pharmacy Program in efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, especially in the academic environment. He also emphasized that the hand sanitizer produced by the Pharmacy Study Program was not traded.

Yuliana Feni Indriya, one of the Pharmacy students who received and had used a hand sanitizer also believes that the free hand sanitizer distribution effort by Undip Pharmacy is very helpful and is a quick solution for preventing corona virus transmission in the community.