Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia on Health in 2009, the goal of national development, especially in the health sector, is to achieve an optimal degree of public health to increase productivity and strengthen the nation’s increasingly tight competitiveness. Efforts to pay attention to public health are not only the responsibility of the Government but also require the contribution of the community. Understanding of drugs related to the limited use, storage and disposal in the community often leads to the occurrence of undesirable effects from drugs to the occurrence of drug abuse.

It is known that based on data from BNN in 2015 drug abuse in children occurred for the first time with the lowest age of children, namely 10 years (average 13 years) and according to the Indonesian Tillers Protection Commission (KPAI) in 2017, there was an increase in drug abuse by children from 0.83% in 2011 to 1.50% in 2016. In addition to cases of drug abuse, the lack of knowledge about drugs in children makes children passive recipients of drugs or often reluctant to obediently take drugs for the sake of curing the disease or disorder they suffer from, because they think the medicine has a bitter and unpleasant taste. The provision of drug information to children is considered very necessary because of the lack of knowledge of children in the field of health, especially medicine, as well as an effort to prevent cases of drug abuse and the emergence of new health problems.

Based on this, the UNDIP Pharmacy Program carried out a community service agenda in the form of Providing Drug Information to Students of Pandean Elementary School, Pandean, Ngablak District, Magelang Regency, on Monday, May 30, 2022, at 11.00 – 15.00 WIB at Pandean Elementary School, Pandean, Ngablak District, Magelang Regency. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase children’s knowledge about the use of drugs through a fun learning media approach with the theme of Providing Drug Information to Elementary School Students, as well as to invite the community, especially children, to care about the use of good and appropriate drugs, which are used for themselves, their families, others, and the surrounding community. This community service was carried out by several lecturer staff, namely Fitri Wulandari, M.Clin.Pharm., Apt., Evieta Rohana, M. Farm., Apt., Nuraini Ekawati, M.Sc., Apt., Wimzy Rizqy Prabhata, M.Sc., Apt., Dra. M.G. Isworo Rukmi, M.Sc.

This activity received a good response from teachers at Pandean Elementary School, students who were enthusiastic about taking fun interactive quizzes, as well as questions and answers that were considered to show the success of the information provided. Overall, this activity went well, and we would like to thank the parties who have supported the implementation of this activity.